Vya Switch Taillight

Safety is job #1 and the Vya Series delivers premium safety with the convenience commuters love. Vya Switch is the latest addition to the Vya Family, foregoing auto on/off technology for a traditional button design. The button control allows cyclocross and mountain bikers who hit pavement en route to the dirt the ability to turn the light on/off as needed. Oh yeah did we mention the purists who are so accustomed to manually turning their lights on and off that not doing so creates that 'Did I forget Something' feeling? Yes control freaks - Vya Switch is for you!

Vya Switch Modes
Lumens Runtime Visibility
SafePulse High 100 6 Hours 2KM
SafePulse Med 50 12 Hours 1KM
Solid 25 4 Hours 1KM

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